Teaching students bully prevention is a key component to an SEL program.

Teaching Students Bully Prevention

Teaching students bully prevention is a key component in most schools. In fact, most states have laws requiring bully prevention to be taught in schools.

Bullying can have devastating effects on students. It can cause depression and even suicide. These negative effects are not only just on the person being bullied but also the bystanders and the person doing the bullying.

Bullying is usually defined by an imbalance of power. It is someone that has more power than another. This power could be physical power, social power, or power due to a secret that they can hold over another. Bullying is also repetitive. It should not be confused with one mean act from students on an equal playing field but instead is repetitive and a power imbalance.

Teaching students bully prevention is a key component to an SEL program.

How do we continue teaching students bully prevention.

Start teaching bully prevention by defining the problem. What is bullying? What are the different types of bullying and what does bullying look like?

Teach students the effects and consequences of bullying. Give them an idea of how bullying can have an impact on more than just the student that is being bullied.

Show students how to stand up against bullying. This is a great opportunity to teach students how to be upstanders. What do upstanders look like and what can they do. Give students a toolbox full of tools they can use in different situations.

Give students an opportunity to practice these skills in a safe place. School can be scary. Students need a safe place to practice working on their upstander skills.

Teach students about the decision-making process. This can help students THINK before they make a choice.

Bully prevention is a culture shift. It is more than just a few lessons in the classroom. Get students involved. Ask them what they want their school to be like and how they can make that happen. Bully prevention takes everyone.

Teaching students bully prevention also includes having a strong SEL program as a foundation. When students start practicing empathy, communication, conflict resolution, and standing up to peer pressure they are more equipped to stand up against bullying.

Bully prevention also includes a school that does not tolerate bullying. This could mean a combination of education and punishment for students that are found repeatedly going after or excluding other students. It is important that your school has a bully prevention plan in place.

Utilize The Mind Trek Program to aid in your bully prevention.

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