Come together with The Mind Trek on an epic adventure that will help you save time and students discover their strengths, build healthy relationships, stand up even when it is hard, excel in and beyond the classroom.
Help students master social and emotional skills with interactive lessons, additional activities, role-playing, and games.
The MInd Trek program is exactly what we were looking for in a Social Emotional Learning (SEL) program for our middle school and high school. The program is user-friendly for teachers to implement in an advisory period setting. The content is aligned with our state standards and the unit topics and lesson objectives fit the needs of our students. We are very pleased with the Mind Trek SEL program.
Scott Shipley - Director of Curriculum
The Mind Trek is a social-emotional learning system that focuses on the whole student while saving you valuable time so that you can focus on what matters! It helps students develop empathy for one another, emotional control, decision-making skills, and employability skills.
The Mind Trek SEL program helps students gain life skills, build relationships, achieve goals, and make wise decisions.
High school can be a turbulent time of change. The Mind Trek program was designed for the ease of teachers and counselors to help students navigate this time in life. Powerful lessons are geared toward helping students control their emotions and stress. Lessons are also built to help students navigate conflict and peer relationships.
Students are equipped to be life-long learners by gaining an attitude for achievement and grit when things become challenging. The program is rounded out by teaching students the decision-making process and how to stand up against peer pressure. Students also learn how their choices have an impact on their future.
9th Grade
Lesson 1: Emotions and Thinking Lesson 2: Emotional Expression Lesson 3: Self-Awareness
10th Grade
Lesson 1: Reframing Emotions Lesson 2: Mindfulness Lesson 3: Stress
11th Grade
Lesson 1: Attitude and Emotions Lesson 2: Mindfulness/ Acceptance Lesson 3: Time Management Lesson 4: Perspective
12th Grade
Lesson 1: Regulating Emotions Lesson 2: Reappraisal Lesson 3: Priorities
9th Grade
Lesson 4: Empathy vs. Sympathy Lesson 5: Conflict Lesson 6:
Conflict Lesson 7: Types of Relationships
10th Grade
Lesson 4: Accepting Others that are Different Than You Lesson 5: Social Cues and Compliments Lesson 6: Disagree Respectfully Lesson 7: Boundaries
11th Grade
Lesson 5: Give and Receive Feedback Lesson 6: Teamwork Lesson 7: Balancing Relationships
12th Grade
Lesson 4: Diversity Lesson 5: Active Listening and Body Language Lesson 6: Leadership Lesson 7: Unhealthy Relationships
9th Grade
Lesson 8: How I Study Lesson 9: Growth Mindset Lesson 10: Goals
10th Grade
Lesson 8: Understanding Strengths Lesson 9: Failure Lesson 10: Feedback
11th Grade
Lesson 8: Understanding Weakness Lesson 9: Grit Lesson 10: Planning Ahead
12th Grade
Lesson 8: Finding Resources Lesson 9: Flexible Thinking Lesson 10: Overcoming Obstacles
9th Grade
Lesson 11: Rules/ Norms/Manners Lesson 12: Decision Making Process Lesson 13: Peer Pressure Lesson 14: Cyber Choices
10th Grade
Lesson 11: Ethics/ Values/Morals Lesson 12: Information Gathering Lesson 13: Standing Up for Self Lesson 14: Choices and the Future
11th Grade
Lesson 11: Priorities Lesson 12: Evaluating Options Lesson 13: Standing Up for Others Lesson 14: Impaired Driving
12th Grade
Lesson 11: Experience Lesson 12: Reflection Lesson 13: Culture/ Influence Lesson 14: Drugs and Alcohol
Check out some of our frequently asked questions.
You know your students better than anyone else. The Mind Trek SEL Program lessons are scripted so that you can teach them to your students.
Lessons in the scope and sequence are designed to be presented in 10-20 minutes.
Additional activities can be added to the lessons to supplement learning on the same day or at a later time.
The Mind Trek SEL Program was designed to be implemented by any staff member in the building.
SEL lessons help build community and relationships. This is a great opportunity for teachers to build community in the classrooms.
Lessons are scripted so that everyone can be on the same page.
The Mind Trek SEL Program has a vision to see every child in a loving home. As such, a portion of all sales goes to support Faros Daughter in their endeavor to cultivate foster and adoptive parents.
Copyright © 2024. The Mind Trek Expedition, LLC. All rights reserved.