Teach students how to stand up for what they believe and against peer pressure by teaching them the SEL lesson of saying no.

Teaching Students How to Say NO

Teaching students how to say no can be complicated. We dread hearing those words come out of their mouth when it is about something they are supposed to do. At the same time, we long that they are able to say no when someone asks them to do something they shouldn’t.

So how do we continue teaching students how to say no when it is appropriate. How do we give them the confidence to stand up boldly when there is a situation that makes them uncomfortable. Do we give our students the tools to confidently stand up to peer pressure?

Teach students how to stand up for what they believe and against peer pressure by teaching them the SEL lesson of saying no.

How do we teach our students to say no?

First, we give them the power to say no. Most of the time students are told that they should not say no. The expectation is that they do what they are told. Young people are often literal thinkers. We need to empower them to say no in appropriate situations.

Second, we need to teach them the techniques to say no. How do they stand? What words do they use? Do they use a different tone of voice? What do they do when no doesn’t work?

Practice! Practice is crucial. Students need to experiment and figure out what techniques will work for them. They need practice so that they feel comfortable. Role-playing is a great opportunity to give students a chance to practice.

Utilize The Mind Trek Program to teach your students how to say no.

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